Imagining the next pandemic: Finnish preparedness for chronic transboundary crises before and during COVID‐19
Earth systems to Anthropocene systems: An evolutionary, system-of-systems, convergence paradigm for interdependent societal challenges
Monikriisien maailma (Polycrisis world)
Poromies, Volume 92, No. 1: 16-17.
Kuinka Suomi voi sopeutua kroonisten ympäristökriisien tulevaisuuteen?
A protocol for analysing the role of shared situational awareness and decision-making in cooperative disaster simulations
Frictional rhythms of climate work in city governance
Coping with policy errors in an era of chronic socio-environmental crises
Ilmastohätätilaan sopeutuminen edellyttää strategisia kriisipäätöksiä
Kriisinkestävä Kotka – Systeeminen tulevaisuusajattelu osaksi kaupungin strategista varautumista
The policy operations room: Analyzing path-dependent decision-making in wicked socio-ecological disruptions
A simulation exercise for incorporating long-term path dependencies in urgent decision-making
Taloustieteen performatiivisuudesta moniperformatiivisuuteen: tapaustutkimuksena vaikuttavuusinvestoiminen
On Theory–Methods Packages in Science and Technology Studies
Ennen seuraavaa kriisiä tarvitsemme jatkuvasti päivitettävän suunnitelman
Travels and Trials of Climate Knowledge in Finnish Municipalities
Kestävyyssiirtymän tiedontuotannollisista puutteista
Spatial aspects of the dioxin risk formation in the Baltic Sea: A systematic review
A Bayesian approach for assessing the boundary between desirable and undesirable environmental status – An example from a coastal fish indicator in the Baltic Sea
Integrated governance for managing multidimensional problems: Potentials, challenges, and arrangements
Black Boxes and the Role of Modeling in Environmental Policy Making
Climate change and insurance
Tulevaisuusresilienssi ja strateginen ennakointi: kriisinkestävyyden harjoittelua bayeslaisella kausaalimallinnuksella
Plausibility designs, or a probabilistic and predictive take on scenario effectiveness
Strategisiin kriisipäätöksiin valmistautunut Helsinki selviää ympäristön ja yhteiskunnan murroksista
Critical infrastructure vulnerability: a research note on adaptation to climate change in the Nordic countries
Shaping values and economics: Tensions and compromises in the institutionalization of organic agriculture in Finland (1991–2015)
Performance evaluation of complex electricity generation systems: A dynamic network-based data envelopment analysis approach
Raising the bar: on the type, size and timeline of a ‘successful’ decoupling
Monipaikkainen kehystymistutkimus (The multi-sited analysis of framings)
Kuinka koronaviruspandemian kuluessa tehtävillä päätöksillä voidaan rakentaa kriisit kestävää Suomea?
Catching the future: Applying Bayesian belief networks to exploratory scenario storylines to assess long‐term changes in Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras, Clupeidae) and salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) fisheries
Deep decarbonization of urban energy systems through renewable energy and sector-coupling flexibility strategies
Cultural Evolution of Sustainable Behaviors: Pro-environmental Tipping Points in an Agent-Based Model
Knowing when knowledge performs its power in ecological economics
An assemblage of framings and tamings: multi-sited analysis of infrastructures as a methodology
Suomen huoltovarmuus ja Baltian alue: Tiivistyvät yhteydet muuttuvassa turvallisuusympäristössä
Pathway Analysis of a Zero-Emission Transition in the Nordic-Baltic Region
To continue to burn something? Technological, economic and political path dependencies in district heating in Helsinki, Finland
Incorporating stakeholders’ values into environmental decision support: A Bayesian Belief Network approach
Risk frames and multiple ways of knowing: Coping with ambiguity in oil spill risk governance in the Norwegian Barents Sea
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Evaluating complex relationships between ecological indicators and environmental factors in the Baltic Sea: A machine learning approach.
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